CONSUMER PROTECTION | Order 539/2024 on consumer informing on the marketing of pre-packaged products whose volume or weight has decreased

CONSUMER PROTECTION | Order 539/2024 on consumer informing on the marketing of pre-packaged products whose volume or weight has decreased

1. Overview

The National Authority for Consumer Protection (ANPC) issued on May 14, 2024 an order (” Order 539/2024”) aiming to ensure that consumers are accurately informed when pre-packaged products experience a reduction in volume or weight while the price remains unchanged. Order 539/2024 was published in the Official Gazette of Romania on September 10, 2024 and will come into force on October 10, 2024.


2. Purpose

The Order 539/2024 aims to:

  • Enhance consumer protection by regulating the disclosure of changes in product volume or weight, while the price is maintained at the same level as before.
  • Ensure transparent marketing practices to prevent consumer deception when product quantities are reduced without adjusting prices.


3. Key provisions

Order 539/2024 establishes the obligation for economic operators selling products for consumption to properly inform consumers about the changes in product quantities with complete, clear and precise information on volume or weight reduction, while the same presentation, packaging, form and price of the product are kept. Distance selling does not fall under the provisions of Order 53/2024.

The information must be provided in the same visual field in a visible and legible manner using the template specified in the Annex of Order 539/2024;

The obligation to inform shall apply for at least 30 days after the product with reduced volume or weight and without adjusted price is placed for sale on the shelf.


If you are interested in receiving further information on this topic, please do not hesitate to contact us. You can also find this legal update in the News section of our website: