On 12 June 2014, the Bank Recovery and Resolution Directive was published with the Official Journal of the European Union. (more…)

On 12 June 2014, the Bank Recovery and Resolution Directive was published with the Official Journal of the European Union. (more…)
On 24 June 2014, the President of Romania has promulgated the new Pre-insolvency and Insolvency Law, which had been passed by the Chamber of Deputies on 15 April 2014 and found constitutional by the Romanian Constitutional Court on 21 May 2014. (more…)
The Government of Romania has recently approved Government Ordinance no. 22/2014 amending and supplementing Law no. 50/1991 on the authorization of the performance of construction works bringing certain clarifications to facilitate and expedite the issuance of the building permits necessary to carry out onshore petroleum…
The 2012 Energy Efficiency Directive must be transposed in Romanian law by 5 June 2014. (more…)
The sale of agricultural lands located extramuros shall be subject to a set of restrictions, such as the compliance with the pre-emption right to the benefit of certain categories of persons. (more…)
Bucharest hosted on the 11th and 12th of February the second edition of the France – South Eastern Europe Business Forum, organized by Ubifrance. The Forum welcomed more than 400 companies in the region, Slovenian, Croatian, Albanian, Serbian, Bosnian, FYROM (Macedonian), Greek, Cypriot, Bulgarian, Moldovan…
The local office becomes Leroy şi Asociaţii. Bruno Leroy and Andreea Toma lead together the newly created firm Leroy şi Asociaţii (more…)
Currently this article is only available in Romanian. (more…)
We would like to inform you that further to a decision taken jointly by Bruno Leroy and Gide, as of 1 February 2014, the Bucharest office of Gide has become an independent law firm operating under the name Leroy şi Asociaţii. (more…)